Sunday, May 1, 2016

Picking Yourself Up From Failure - 5 Tips to Get Back in the Saddle

We've all been there. We've put ourselves out there, we've stretched past our comfort zones, ignoring warnings and critics alike. Like most people stubborn and brave enough to chase their dreams and follow their heart's desire, at one point or another, we find ourselves in the constant act of failing, where nothing we do seems to help our situation.

This is where I come in, with these tips to help get you out of that slump:

1) Stop Stewing in it and Take Action:

Get up out of bed (YES THIS MEANS YOU!) clean yourself up and leave your house, apartment, whatever. Go do something. ANYTHING! Take the dog out, go for a walk, take a drive, go eat at that restaurant you've been dying to try, go watch that movie you've been meaning to watch. Whatever you choose to do, it has to break your current cycle. It has to break the dark cloudy spiral we've caught ourselves in.

This is by far the toughest of the tips, and because of that it's also the most effective. It's listed first to show you that this is the scariest thing you can do. And when you really think about it, it's not that scary.

2) Remind yourself that tough times don't last - Tough people do:

Nothing in this world is permanent. Don't be so conceited to think that your problems will last forever. They won't trust me. I get it. There's times where things get so overwhelming that the world starts falling down around us. However, guess what, it's not. I've ran 2 businesses into the ground and filed for bankruptcy all before the age of 28. Guess what? Those times didn't last, and I'm still here.

3) Stop being ungrateful:

You heard me. Cut that **** out. I know, I know, you've heard this before. This isn't mind blowing. I get it. But do you? If you've heard it before why do you still compare yourself to others? Those that have things you don't have?
If you can't think of things to be grateful here's a list you can review literally at any time and give thanks in no particular order:

  • You're alive
  • You're healthy
  • You can walk
  • You can talk
  • You speak the language for the region you're in
  • You can write in said language
  • You have a job
  • You have an opportunity to get a job
  • You can count and do basic math
  • You can break down Dollars and Cents
  • You have a roof over your head
  • You have access to clean water
  • You have access to roads
  • You have access to information, anywhere, anytime (Thanks Google!)
  • You don't have to hunt to eat
  • You live in a country that will support you through your tough times
There are literally hundreds of thousands of people around the world that would literally kill to have these things. And you probably have all of these if not the vast majority and here you are complaining about life.

4) Stop Comparing Yourself to Others:

You are You. Just in case you didn't get that I'm going to repeat it because, yes it's that important. YOU ARE YOU. You are NOT anyone else. Guess what? You shouldn't want to be. You should be you and you should take pride in being you. (Whew, that's a lot of "yous") 

Here's what I mean by this. Everyone comes from a different background, with different strengths and weaknesses, experience or lack thereof, skill or will. So, by comparing yourself to someone else, you'll always lose by default. Why? BECAUSE YOU ARE YOU! Remember?

You posses something no one else does, a hidden skill or talent that sets you apart. Maybe it's your ability to recall events and memories, or having perfect pitch, or being able to throw a fastball at 100 mph. It's your responsibility to yourself and the world to find out what that hidden talent is and work every day at revealing it.

Here's the thing. It's going to take time. It can take weeks, months, years or decades to find your purpose, your calling. Your special ability. But once you do find it revealing it to yourself and the world will become your greatest gift.

5) You're exactly where you're supposed to be:

No one is ever going to ring your doorbell and ask you if you want a million dollars, or hand you your dream job. You are exactly where you are supposed to be. Sure, you can blame others, your family, co-workers, your boss, siblings, peers, the internet, garden gnomes, the voices in your head, etc for your failures, but ultimately, it's on you. You are exactly where you're supposed to be, because at any one point in time you're the sum of all of your experiences.

Now, here's the awesome thing about this. If you're unhappy with where you are, YOU CAN CHANGE IT TODAY! You don't have to wait for your family, co-workers, your boss, siblings, peers, the internet and garden gnomes to make a change. You can do it you, yourself and you.

Something very powerful comes with recognizing you're unhappy with where you are. It leads to frustration. Frustration leads to break downs. Break downs lead to breakthroughs. Breakthroughs lead to action. Action leads to results.

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